The following are prayers we offered at Immanuel this morning, the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The text this morning was Mark 8:27-38. Feel free to pray along with us. Peace.
God of all creation, we pray for the needs of our world. We pray for peace for those places torn by war and violence. There are so many who suffer from the hands of others, by oppression, hatred and dominance. We
pray for those who suffer. We also pray for those who hunger and are sick. It is an incredible sadness for us that there are brothers and sisters in the world today who don’t have enough to survive. There are those who are without basic medicine, food and water to sustain them. We humbly, yet resolutely ask you to move toward them with mercy and help.
Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.
We pray for our city, the city you have placed us in, the city you have sent us to, that you would move through your people to show the Gospel and tell the Gospel so others could see the life that you have provided to each person. We ask that many would come to realize that there is love with their name on it in You. We pray against the hindrances that keep them from you be restrained…particularly if we are responsible for those hindrances. Give us repentant hearts regarding ill placed religious affections.
Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.
We know that you care not only for the world, but also individuals. People like us. There are people in each of our lives that need your touch, your mercy, and your embrace. We now ask you to do your work in them, particularly_____________!
Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.
Jesus, head of the church, breathe your life into this place. It seems as if following you and your ideas are the only way to be who we are to be in this city…so, lead us and humble us to follow. May we be so taken with you that those outside of your life could, just maybe, catch a glimpse of your radiance and embrace through our humble lives.
Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.
Now, God of all grace, give us open hearts and open ears to hear what you have to say to your church today. As we hear the Scriptures read and taught, help us look to not how it might affect others, but at our own hearts and truly repent of our self-life. Please bear in us, each one, the heart of a follower.
Lord, hear our prayer,
and in your love, answer.
Lord’s Prayer
Now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray…
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