As some of you know, I spent a stint of time in the hospital this week. I blacked out a few time, took an unwanted ride in an ambulance and was pricked and prodded with no clear answer for the “why” behind the episodes. I am home now and as you might guess, I have been feeling quite introspective. There’s nothing like spending a 24 hours with Doctors thinking you’ve had a heart attack to get you into a “thinking about your personal mortality” space.
In light of these things, I dug up a quote I remembered from Steve Jobs. Many of you have heard this before, but here’s the quote:
“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
I’m afraid my batting average is a bit too low on allowing the days to go by unattended, or more so, captured by other, mostly, inane things.
I also stumbled upon this weird and intense TED video by Shia Labeouf. Here is the video:
If you watched it, there is obviously a visceral and compelling aspect to this video. It is maybe overdone, but still challenging to me. Stop pissing around and just “do it!” Stop making excuses and just “do it!” Stop allowing other things that are really rubbish to steal your life and “do it!” (he last three lines were me riffing on Labeouf’s rant)
Ok, please don’t get me wrong. I have had the privilege to do almost everything I have hoped for in my life. My life is full and rich. That said, attempting to steward the gifts and ideas God has given me, I have not come close to what could be leveraged. See I love life and people and, if you allow me to be a bit overly dramatic, I hunger to live into all there is to do and be.
Really, that is all I have to say this morning. I am alive, grateful, but still desire for more of what life is to be for someone following King Jesus.
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