I am reading Todd Hunter’s short book entitled, The Accidental Anglican about his journey from Jesus People to Anglicanism. I am particularly interested because both of us started out in the same place. In the first part of the book he lends a quote from James Lloyd Breck, Anglican leader from the 1800’s. It is important to me because I run into so many “Jesus yes, the church is superfluous (that is a positive spin on their view of the church)" people.
Here's the quote:
“It is base cowardice to run away from the church because she is not what she ought to be, and thereby leave her to those who care naught for her claims.”
It kind of reminds me of Augustine’s line about the church: “She a whore, but she’s my mother.” Always a tension, but for me, I can’t shake the wonder of the people of God attempting, even though haltingly, to live out the Jesus life.
What do you think of Breck's challenging words?
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